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 Pet Care   Greenies   Greenies Dental Chew

4 Reasons to Love New Greenies® Dental Chews

  1. You’re cleaning your dog’s teeth with every chewy and delicious bite.
  2. You’re giving your dog something that’s nutritious and easy to digest. 
  3. New Greenies® are the only dental chews designed in 5 distinct sizes and textures to match the natural chewing action of all dogs*. 
  4. Same great Greenies Taste.
How will Greenies help my dog?
  • Cleans teeth
  • Freshens breath (Reduces mouth malodor)
  • Removes plaque and tartar
  • Decreases gingivitis (the first sign of dental disease)
  • Enhances digestibility of dry dog food
  • Dogs LOVE Them

Will my dog like the taste of Greenies?

You bet! Many dogs perform their favourite tricks for the tempting taste of a Greenies dental chew treat. In study after study, dogs prefer Greenies over almost all other conventional chew treats.

Choose the correct size Greenies for your dog:

  • Jumbo for dogs over 100 pounds
  • Large for dogs 50-100 ppunds
  • Regular for dogs 20-50 pounds
  • Petite for dogs 20-50 pounds
  • Lil’Bits for toy breed dogs, dogs les than 6 months old, or dogs who “gulp”. Lil Bits can also be used as a training treat or to encourage consumption of dog food (sprinkle it on their food) for dogs that refuse to eat.
Jumbo for dogs over 100 pounds

For more details on this product, please visit

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