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LT Radiosystems & Service Company
 Product Details
 Motorola   PRO 7350 Portable Radio

PRO7350 Portable Radio: The Versatile Radio for 800 MHz LTR® Systems



The PRO7350 portable radio is essential for growing organizations because of its unique versatility. Whatever your profession, you can maximize your communication resources by using this powerful radio on any 800 MHz LTR system. Efficient and cost-effective, 800 MHz trunking gives you a wider calling range, faster channel access, greater privacy, and higher user and talkgroup capacity – which means your PRO7350 radio can accommodate virtually all of your business communication needs. What’s more, your PRO7350 portable can easily be reprogrammed – so you can rest assured your radio will continue to serve you effectively as your business grows and changes.

 15 Trunked Zones (16 Talkgroups each)

Improve your efficiency with trunked operation for any 800 MHz LTR system.

 14 Character Display with Alias

The 14 character alphanumeric display with user-friendly icons make the radio’s features and commands simple to understand.




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