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A.I.J Nett Trading
Food Supplement
 Product Details
 Food Supplement   HD-1
HD-1 is a dietary supplement food which is very effective in the diseases related to liver, Blood and Immune System.Its medical effect comes from a substance known as HDFHW-1 which is found from Hovenia Dulcis var Koreana Naikai that is a Korean native herbal plant. This Polysaccharide (HDFHW-1), the essential substance of HD-1, enzyme ADH in the liver and constantly decreased blood concentration. And it also revealed the best effect both for Alcohol and Non-alcohol fatty liver by promoting excellent protein synthesis and leading impaired liver cells into regeneration. Furthermore, this natural hangover and fatty liver cure also helps fight fatigue through the normal metabolic and detoxification functions of the liver by highly selective adherence and excretion



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